Site icon Stant Litore

Newness of Life

In honor of Easter and newness of life … wow.

The pervasive rhythm of our lives is that of resurrection and rebirth: all around us, each day, we encounter things being born, things being made new. Even though some days, some years, we see only the deaths. Here is a truly breathtaking moment.

I think what struck me about this image of the tadpoles is: all of these young, new living beings rushing together, as one, toward something sunlit and beautiful, though they scarcely know what it might be; they still live in the murk of the water, but they can sense the nearness of the sun and the possibility of another, different life to be lived.

Happy Easter, dear readers. Thank you for being with me on this journey that is The Zombie Bible.

Here’s to another year of faith, hope, and stories that move the heart.

Stant Litore

(Photograph: Tadpoles swimming through a forest of lily stalks. Photo: Eiko Jones. Available as a full-size wallpaper download from the National Geographic.)


Stant Litore is a novelist. He writes about gladiators on tyrannosaurback, Old Testament prophets battling the hungry dead, geneticists growing biological starships, time-traveling hijabi bisexual defenders of humanity from the future. Explore his fiction here. And here is one of his toolkits for writers, and here’s another book where he nerds out about ancient languages and biblical (mis)translation. Enjoy!

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